Building forts out of sage brush, hauling water and attending boarding school in the mid 80’s. SABA a descendant of both Dine’ & Walatowa people from the 4 corners of the world found in Northern New Mexico.
Like alot of Indian/Native/Indigenous people living on and off of the reservation, SABA has endured a great amount of confusion to why his traditional way of life and identity is getting harder and harder to find. Unknowing of the historical trauma that lay underneath piles of priceless hand woven rugs. SABA receives the message of his and herstories thru Arrowsoul fumes in current day petroglyphs. While working in various communities and building with tribal kin, Saba finds he is one of many indigenous refugees diggin his way back to the roots through Hip Hop/Indigenous Expression. Bridging the gap from old to new, Hoping to relay the message to the younger generations that the first peoples are ALIVE and Continuing to rise out of this colonial coloring book. Remembering that we have always painted walls, banged beats, rocked the earth and shared stories with our families that stretch from Canada to South America.

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