Creating Collagraphs – Saturday, April 19
10 am – 4 pm
Students in this one-day class will be exposed to the vast range of styles and techniques possible with collagraphs and will use both found objects and matboard cutouts to create their own collagraphy plates. These plates can be run as either relief prints using block printing ink or etchings using an intaglio technique or both, time permitting. We’ll use both the small and large etching presses at the Mancos Commons.
* How to choose and arrange materials on the plate
* How to “etch” waxed cardboard using a metal stylus and how to layer cardboard to produce different effects
* Application of etching ink and relief ink
* Operation of small and large etching presses
Final result: a personal collagraph in an edition of 10 or fewer, possibly in two versions (etching and relief)
Students bring a lunch (or buy food in town during break)
Please apply before registering for the class: SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Applications are due by April 10.
Limited to 8 students
Jody: admin@mancoscommonpress 303-917-4627
Sarah Drummond is a naturalist, watercolor painter, and block printer from southwest Colorado. She started binding her own sketchbooks at the age of 15 and has explored the many faceted world of book arts ever since. As an artist, Sarah grew up drawing and painting and pursued a variety of media throughout college and graduate schools (with tandem degrees in biology and art. She prefers to work from life and much of her work is completed outdoors through patient hours of watching. One of her most important tools is a pair of binoculars! Sarah is a passionate teacher in a wide variety of venues: afterschool programs for elementary schoolers, full college semester courses as a visiting professor, and as a wilderness guide encouraging nature journaling and field notes. Her work has appeared in publications from MacMillan Publishers to educational materials for the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Some recent exhibitions of Sarah’s work include Birds in Art 2021, 2022, and 2023 at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum, Wausau WI; the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year Exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London UK from 2010 through 2023; and ArtsThrive 2024 at the Albuquerque Fine Art Museum.
Instagram: sarahdrummond374